Unlock your potential
Holo Way provides a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your organization and brings to light the intangibles assets that contribute to value creation.
Components of S&P 500 Market Value

Source: Ocean Tomo, LLC intangible market value study, 2020
What are intangibles?
Intangibles are assets that are neither securities nor propreties and are at the center of value creation: people, processes, softwares, brand, partnerships,…
These intangible assets are generally poorly measured and only partially enter into the strategic and operational decision-making process.
Research conducted by economists shows that the quality of intangible assets has a direct influence on a company’s performance, profitability and growth.
Your strengths and weaknesses
– rediscover your strengths in a highly competitive world,
– develop growth and profitability,
– facilitate the recognition and engagement of employees,
– make exchanges more fluid and transform tensions into beneficial behaviors.
If your assets are ignored and not activated
they deteriorate, creating critical strategic, managerial, and operational risks.
Activate your intangible assets
- Demonstrate your distinctiveness to differentiate yourself from competitors
- Ensure the social cohesion and coherence of the company in order to consolidate it
- Better control the risks related to the company's activity to ensure its sustainability
- Form alliances to co-produce value through collaborative ecosystems
We assist you in your project
What to expect from a diagnosis of your intangibles?

• A clear and objective picture of your company’s strengths and weaknesses
• A simple action plan to reach your objective
• A global measurement of your non-financial performance
• Your potential to create sustainable value
• Reveal your hidden wealth to unlock your potential