Your Project

Maximize value creation
in mergers and acquisitions

Evaluate your intangible assets to anticipate difficulties in the event of a merger and to preserve social cohesion in the event of a takeover.

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Underestimating the value of intangible assets during these periods of change leads to:

•  Resistance to the integration process

•  Barriers to development

•  The degradation of social climate

“60% to 70% of mergers are failures
and result in the destruction of value” 

Consider your intangible assets during an external growth

Minimize value destruction

Maximize value creation

What to expect from a diagnosis of your intangibles?

•  Identify the strengths and weaknesses, and especially the traits that we aim to develop

•  To develop the most sustainable and renewable wealth

•  Promote internal and external cooperation

•  Develop the commitment of employees and stakeholders

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